“You Make the Memories, We’ll Make the Arrangements”

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Pas de Deux Catamaran cuisine

When you step aboard the incredible catamaran charter Pas de Deux, the warmth of the crew quickly envelops you. Captain Tony Trappe has extensive experience in sailing and hospitality, which makes your charter experience onboard Pas de Deux seem professional yet effortless. But the boat’s experienced luxury yacht charter chef is what makes this experience so unique!

Custom Designed Menus

For instance, Kate specially designed her menus according to her guests’ preference sheets, which may simply mean serving one type of soda versus another or might be as involved as catering to a specific dietary requirement or allergy. As a guest, you might never know that Kate goes to great lengths to exceed your expectations. She explained that items aren’t always readily available on the islands, “Living and working on a small island where fresh ingredients arrive by ship each week can be interesting.  If the weather is bad in Canada for instance, it might delay our shipment by a day or so, making our provisioning a bit tricky. You become good at discovering substitutes, and doing a supermarket dash usually means visiting 3 or 4 supermarkets.”

Chef Embraces Culinary Challenge

The provisioning is sometimes not the only tricky part. If you have a food allergy or maintain a

Pas de Deux Catamaran cuisine
Cuisine by Chef Kate of Pas de Deux.

special diet, Kate embraces the challenge, “The plant-based diet was one of my biggest challenges.  Not being able to use oil was the biggest obstacle for me as I couldn’t imagine cooking without fat could be done well.  It was great to learn about it and discover a new way of cooking.  There are some wonderful recipes out there!”

And when you’ve been a chef as long as she has, you know just what to do. “I do research on the internet, read, and ask questions of my peers.  I belong to a wonderful network of knowledgeable charter yacht and villa chefs who are incredibly supportive and helpful to each other.  Usually, one of us, somewhere, sometime, will encounter a new dietary requirement and will give unstintingly of our knowledge and information when asked.  Sometimes, the information and advice comes from the most unlikely of sources, like a friend giving you a gift of some books in a most timely fashion!” On a recent charter, a guest shared one of their favorite recipes from Forks Over Knives for Raspberry Truffle Brownies, which Kate found to be “beyond delicious!”

World Travelers Appreciate All Cuisine

Catamaran Pas-de-Deux
Catamaran Pas-de-Deux

Tony and Kate have traveled much of the world throughout their lives, both independently and together. Through this travel, Kate has learned love and appreciation for all types of foods, as she explains, “I am a most fortunate traveler. Every place I have visited I have eaten well, whether it’s Doubles in Trinidad, Parathas in India, Pastizzi in Malta, noodles in Thailand, or the quintessential steak or hamburger in America, it’s all fabulous!” So if you’re craving a special dish from home, just ask, as Kate loves to wow her guests with classics like English comfort food or more exotic dishes like Korean BBQ.

No matter the dish, you will undoubtedly notice the passion and care she puts into all she prepares. Kate and Tony love what they do. “It’s one of the best jobs ever. Despite the long hours and sometimes long stretches without a day off, I go to bed content each night knowing I have done a great job cooking and caring for our guests along with my husband Tony.  We are in the business of making people happy and in turn, it makes us happy!”

Pas de Deux is a 60’ Fountaine Pajot luxury charter catamaran that accommodates 6 guests in 3 queen-sized suites all with private baths.

You make the memories. We make the arrangements.

Contact us at 1-321-777-1707 or complete this form to discuss your vacation plans.